The players of Hunt: Showdown are invited today to participate in the latest live event of the game. The Light-the-Shadow event offers players the opportunity to earn legendary weapons, Blood bonds and Hunt dollars as well as two legendary Hunters of the American Native Americans, The Exile and The Third Son to take their ranks.
We are very pleased to present the players of this brand new, unique event. You have to decide for a path and then determines your game and what you will experience there - but still you can take the other path later. There is also the brand new theme DLC Bayou Wraith and we look forward to the feedback of the player and to welcome you soon in the Bayou, says Fatih Özbayram, Senior Producer at Hunt: Showdown.
The new trailer can be viewed here:
The event offers two different paths to get rewards - path (1): Pierce The Shadow or Path (2): Cleave the Shadow, each path holding different rewards and weapons. Players can also break the second path after completing the first path to get all the rewards available in the event.
In addition, Hunt: Showdown is added a brand new event DLC: Bayou Wraith, which contains a legendary hunter (Techie Wraith) and two legendary weapons.
By completing both paths, players can unlock the two legendary hunters The Exile and The Third Son.
Path (1): Pierce the Shadow
If you choose the path of the hunting arc and destroys goals with this weapon, you can get the following rewards:
- Two 25-proof vapours
* Hunting Bow
* Hunting Bow Ammo: Poison Arrows
* Hunting Bow Trait: Dewlaw
* Legendary Conversion Pistol Faultless
* Hunting Bow Ammo: Concertina Arrows
* Legendary Hunting Bow The Wayfinder
* Hunting Bow Trait: Hundred Hands
* Hunting Bow Ammo: Frag Arrows
* Legendary hunter The Exile
Path (2): Cleave the Shadow
If you choose the path of the throatx and destroy destinations with your shiny blade, you can get the following rewards:
- Two 25-proof vapours
- Throwing Ax
- 500 Hunt dollars
- 50 Blood bonds
- Legendary Winfield Marksman Bayou Phoenix
- 1000 Hunt dollars
- Legendary Throwing Ax Tomahawk
- Throwing Ax Trait: Assailant
- 150 Blood bonds
- Legendary hunter The Third Son
Hunt: Showdown is available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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