Shop and have a good conscience: Media market and Saturn make it possible now. The two electronic chains test a CO2 neutral delivery option in two German cities. And on request, buyers can also step into the pedals.
According to the Federal Environment Agency, traffic in Germany is responsible for nearly 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Each saved ride with the car or truck brings Germany closer to actually fulfill its climate goals. There comes a new pilot project by MediaMarkt and Saturn quasi as called.
Mediamarkt and Saturn: CO2-free delivery via E-loading wheel and e-trailer is tested
In Berlin and Cologne it is now possible in selected Saturn and MediaMarkt branches to select a CO 2 neutral delivery by means of electric load wheel (Source: MediaMarkSatures). With the E-Cargobikes we can offer our customers a climate-neutral delivery service - depending on the order even on the same day - and are thus very fair for the requirements for speed and sustainability, says Jörg Bauer, the MediaMarkTaturn works as CO-COO.
With the pilot project, among other things, the company wants to find out the company behind the two electronic chains how high is the interest of customers for the new way of delivery and which models of e-cargobikes and e-trailers are particularly suitable for. A total of four models of three different manufacturers are tested.
Participate in the project is the Saturn in Berlin at Alexanderplatz, the Saturn markets in Cologne in Maybachstraße and Hohen Straße and the Mediamarkt in Cologne in the High Street .
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Saturn customers in Berlin can rent e-trailers
Customers in Berlin can even step in the pedals, according to press release. For a period of 4 hours, the e-trailers at Saturn at Alexanderplatz in the pilot phase are given free of charge to customers . The prerequisite for this is that the ordered goods also transport themselves with it and the delivery address is in the catchment area.
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